Completed Successfully
Using Play and Child-centered Approaches in
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Gretchen Dahl Reeves, Ph.D., OT, FAOTA
Course Description
This course is designed for therapists,
teachers and other professionals working in early intervention, preschool and early elementary school settings with children
identified with autism. Parents may find some of the course content helpful in applying developmental approaches to a child’s
A review of the developmental
literature on the topics of regulation, reciprocal interactions and play will highlight what is understood about behaviors
that are exhibited early in life and their importance to later functions in children and adults. A description of the obvious
and subtle differences in awareness of and reactions to others that have been demonstrated in young children with autism will
be included. An overview of the neurobiological differences in persons with autism spectrum disorders will describe the impact
on behavior, particularly in the domains of socialization, communication, play and sensory reactivity.
Models of intervention that capitalize
on child-centered techniques will be emphasized, including floortime, sensory integration, interactive play groups and others. The principles of these approaches and the benefits of using movement and play will
be highlighted. Note that there will be no attempt made to prescribe strict methods
of intervention. Research indicates that individualized programs are essential
for persons with autism. The use of child-centered models fits well within this
Course Objectives
At the completion of this course, the participant will
be able to:
1. Recognize the interactive behaviors that occur in infants and young
children as indicators of their cognitive, social and communicative capacities.
2. Understand how the neurobiological differences in autism contribute
to differences in learning and behavior.
3. Describe the role of play in child development.
4. Identify intervention strategies, using child-centered approaches,
to promote positive outcomes and interactions in children with autism.
5. Consider the importance of an individually-designed program for
each person with autism spectrum disorders.
Dahl Reeves, Ph.D., OT, FAOTA is an Associate Professor in Occupational Therapy at Eastern Michigan
University in Ypsilanti,
Her extensive clinical experience has provided an opportunity
to work with children with a variety of special needs and their families. She
has conducted research with children with autistic spectrum disorders, in addition to her clinical work with this population. In 1994, Dr. Reeves was awarded a doctorate in Biopsychology from the University of Michigan. She has lectured throughout the United States
and the world on topics related to brain function, sensory and motor integration and program development for persons with
special needs. She was named to the Roster of Fellows of the American Occupational
Therapy Association in 1987 and has received numerous teaching and professional awards, including the Dean’s Award for
Teaching Excellence from the Medical College of Ohio at Toledo (now the University of Toledo) and the Jane Walter Award for
Educational Excellence from Oakland University, Program in Physical Therapy, Rochester, Michigan. In 2007, Dr. Reeves received the Marshall Award for Teaching Excellence at Eastern Michigan University. She has taught Certification courses in sensory integration since 1980 and is currently
an Instructor for the USC/WPS program series in Ayres’ Sensory Integration.
Using Play Approaches
in Children with
Autism Spectrum
Presented by
Gretchen Dahl Reeves, PhD,
Mumbai, India
21 January 2009
9:00-10:30 AM Overview/Introduction
Issues of regulation, reciprocity and attachment
10:30-11:00 AM BREAK
11:00-12:00 Play as an occupation in childhood
12:00-1:30 PM LUNCH
1:30-4:00 PM Using child-centered approaches
in children with ASD
Dates of The Course:21st Jan,2009
Course Fee:Rs.2975/-
Demand Draft in Favor
of "Hands On Therapy Concepts"
Last Date of SUbmission:17th
Venue:Hotel Tip Top